strange coincidences

The Most Spine Tingling Coincidences

The mysterious explanation for coincidences often taps into ideas beyond simple chance or probability, suggesting that there might be some hidden forces or patterns at play. Here looks at some of the most mysterious spine tingling coincidences.

1. Man breaks the fall of a baby who fell out a window – TWICE!

This story goes that a man called Joseph Figlock was cleaning a street in Detroit in the 1930’s when a baby fell from a fouth story window. Miraculously, the child landed directly on Figlock, breaking the fall. Both Figlock and the baby were injured but survived with minor injuries.

A year later Figlock was in the exact same street when the same baby fell out of a window and landed on Figlock who broke its fall and both survived with only minor infuries.

Why so Strange?

The odds of a child falling from a window twice and landing on the same person both times are astronomically low.

The man happened to be in the exact right place at the exact right time twice.

2. King shares exact life and death story of a doppleganger

In 1864 King Umberto I went to a restaurant in Italy and got talking to the restaurant owner. Shockingly, they discovered they had eerily identical lives:

They both had the name Umberto, They were both born on the same day 14th March 1844.

They were both born in Turin, Italy. They both married a woman called Margherita. The restaurant owner opened his business on the same day as Umberto I was crowned King of Italy.

Perhaps the creepiest part was surrounding their deaths. On the same day 29th July 1900 within hours of each other both were killed in a mysterious shooting almost the same way.

Why so Strange?

The sheer number of identical details between two unrelated men is large. Their fates were intertwined, as both died on the same day under violent circumstances.

3. A novel predicts exactly what happens 46 years later.

One of the strangest literary coincidences in history involves Edgar Alln Poe’s novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket (1838). The book contains an eerie prediction of a real-life shipwreck that happened 46 years later, in 1884.

In the book A shipwreck leaves four survivors stranded at sea with no food. They eventually resort to cannibalism to survive. The unlucky crew member chosen to be eaten is named Richard Parker.

Then in real life 46 years on in 1884 4 survivors are adrift in the ocean after their yacht sinks. Left without food they resort to cannibalism. The crew member killed and eaten was also named Richard Parker!

Why so Strange?

From the book - The details of a shipwreck, four survivors, starvation, and cannibalism and the victims exact name perfectly match reality.

4. The Lincoln-Kennedy Coincidences

The coincidences between Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy are some of the most famous and eerie in history. The two U.S. presidents, who were assassinated a century apart, share a long list of bizarre parallels that seem too strange to be random.

Both were elected to congress exactly 100 years apart, Abraham Lincoln in 1846 and Kennedy in 1946.

Both were elected as President exactly 100 years apart Lincoln in 1860 and Kennedy in 1960.

Both fought vigorously for civil rights.

They vice presidents last name was the same for both ‘Johnson’ who were both born exactly 100 years apart on 1808 and 1908.

Both were assassinated on a Friday.

Both assassins were known by three names each with 15 letters.

Both assassins were killed before trial.

Both assassins were born 100 years apart, 1839 and 1939.

Both assassins were caught in a warehouse.

Both Kennedy and Lincoln were shot in the head.

Both successors were born exactly 100 years apart 1808 and 1908 and were both southerners.

Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy, who warned him not to go to the theater. Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln, who warned him not to go to Dallas.

Lincoln was shot in Ford’s Theatre, Kennedy was shot in a Ford (Lincoln) car.

Why so Strange?

It seems like history repeating itself exactly 100 years apart with so many parallels.

5. The Titanics “Unsinkable” survivor

In 1911 a lady called Violet Jessop was working as a stewardess onboard the RMS Olympic, the Titanics sister ship. The ship collided with a British warship and was badly damaged. Violet survived.

In 1912 Violet was on the Titanic when it struck an iceberg. She survived the disaster and was handed a baby to care for which was later reunited with its mother.

In 1916 during world war one Violet was onboard the HMHS Britannic another sister ship of the Titanic. This ship hit a mine and began sinking rapidly even faster than the Titanic. Again Violet miraculously survived.

Violet Jessop lived until 1971 and often joked about her "unsinkable" status. Her life remains one of the most extraordinary coincidences in maritime history!

The sensible Explanation about Coincidences

Coincidences often appear to be strange or significant, giving the impression that they are connected, but they are usually just the result of chance or random occurrences or a random alignment of timing. It seems like fate, but it's actually just an unlikely but possible outcome.

The human brain is wired to look for patterns, even in randomness. Sometimes we may perceive coincidences because our mind is trying to find connections between events. This can lead to the belief in “meaningful” coincidences, even though they are just random events that we’ve mentally grouped together.

Once something unusual happens, we tend to remember it and pay more attention to similar events, making it seem like such coincidences happen more often. In reality, it's just that our attention is now more focused on those kinds of events.

The Eerie spooky explanation about coincidences

The alternative theory taps into ideas beyond simple chance or probability, suggesting that there might be some hidden forces or patterns at play. Maybe spritual, supernatural, paranormal or psychic foresight.

Some people believe that coincidences occur because the universe is aligning with your inner state of mind. Others may suggest that events in life are preordained or meant to happen.

Some physicists have speculated that the mysterious nature of quantum mechanics or even a multiverse with alternative realities over lapping or influencing each other could offer an explanation for coincidences. Some believe in a collective consiousness and that coincidences could be the result of shared knowledge or a universal connection between people.

Some believe that coincidences are divine messages or acts of spiritual intervention.

Either way coincidences are fascinating by their very nature. Whether you believe they are nothing but chance and the human brain perceiving patterns or they have some other spiritual intervention.

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