Was there a catastrophic nuclear war or event on Mars?

Was there a catastrophic nuclear war or event on Mars?

Mars does have a mysterious paradoxical and somewhat dramatic history. Scientists believe Mars once had a more Earth-like environment, with a thicker atmosphere and the possibility of liquid water on its surface. It was probably very fertile and habitable. However, something happened!!

Was it a gradual deterioration of habitable conditions over millions of years as a result of a lost crucial magnetic force and subsequent precious atmosphere stripped away by energetic solar winds.

OR… was it instant?

As always on aldinifish.com I look at the evidence and raise some quite staggering searching questions.

Could it be possible there were gigantic nuclear explosions on mars causing a catastrophic change in conditions?

Why else would there be evidence of huge quantities of the elements Xenon129, Argon40 and Crypton80. These unique elements are only found following a nuclear reaction boosted by Uranium characterised by the explosion of Hydrogen bombs. We found levels of these increasing on Earth following our nuclear testing during the cold war that were not present before. Such elements are very unique identifiers of a nuclear event.

Just for comparisons the relevant levels of Xenon129 is the same on Earth as found on Jupiter. But on Mars it is abundantly higher, up to 2.5 times as much as in the rest of the solar system.

Remember that originally Earth and Mars were formed from very similar materials during the formation of the solar system, so how could this huge abundance of Xenon129 be present on the surface of Mars and barely traceable on the other planets in the solar system.

There are also exotic isotopes in the atmosphere indicating evidence of a large fission event that was boosted by Uranium (as in a Hydrogen bomb) that probably happened in mid air.

There is also evidence provided by radio spectrometers of a radioactive layer on the top surface of mars. This layer shows up in a number of ‘hot spots’. Could these be indicative of strike points.

This all raises a few startling questions in my mind:

Is it just coincidence and a result of natural phenomenon (i.e. move on)

Was it a meteorite that some how went thermal?

Was it caused by some kind of large bizarre natural biological nuclear reaction?

Was it caused by Aliens set on destruction?

Was it a result of an advanced civilisation that developed on Mars billions of years before we evolved on Earth and ultimately destroyed itself?

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