Did ancient aliens once exist on Mars?

Mars, the fourth rock from the sun, about half the size of Earth has a central core, a rocky mantle and a solid crust. At one point many hundreds of millions of years ago it was warm, had vast oceans of water and a thick atmosphere and why not I’ll put it out there possibly LIFE!. So far we have no scientific evidence that life exists or has ever existed outside earth. I don’t know what is more shocking, that either we are alone in the whole universe or that we are not.
Could it be possible that at some point in its early infancy life existed on Mars before it lost its crucial magnetic force and subsequent precious atmosphere stripped away by energetic solar winds. This stripping process lasted several hundred million years. The huge time spans involved here would allow for life to evolve and possibly flourish in Mars’s infancy.

So where am I going with this? Would it be completely crazy of me to suggest maybe, just maybe life did flourish on Mars and even evolved beyond so called simple bacteria. We are talking many hundreds of millions of available years to evolve here, more time than it took humans to evolve.

The quest for extraterrestrial life has driven space exploration efforts for decades. Mars, with its geological features resembling Earth, has been a focal point in this endeavour.

While our exploration of the Red Planet has yielded a wealth of scientific knowledge, it has also fuelled speculation about the possibility of ancient extraterrestrial life and the existence of ancient aliens on Mars.

The NASA Mars Curiosity rover has been active on Mars for over 10 years (as at 2023). Its iconic panoramic images never fail to stun and amaze. It captures record breaking panoramic views that allow you to zoom on individual rocks and features. Anyone can view the images online.

What if amongst these images are snippets of evidence of historic Martian structures that once stood hundreds of millions of years ago when conditions would have allowed intelligent life to flourish.

Beyond the scientific search for microbial life, some have proposed a more controversial theory: the existence of ancient aliens on Mars. This theory suggests that Mars was once home to a technologically advanced civilization that left behind evidence of its presence. Proponents of this theory point to several key pieces of evidence:

1. The Face on Mars: One of the most famous Martian anomalies is the "Face on Mars," a mesa-like landform that resembles a humanoid face when viewed from a certain angle. While this was initially believed to be a natural formation, some argue that it might be an artificial structure.

2. Cydonia Region: The Face on Mars is located in the Cydonia region, which contains other peculiar structures, such as pyramids and a city-like arrangement of mounds. Some believe these features could be remnants of an ancient Martian civilization.

3. Mars Anomalies: Over the years, Mars rovers and orbiters have captured images of various anomalous features, including what appear to be artificial structures, tunnels, and unexplained geometric patterns. These anomalies have sparked numerous conspiracy theories.

There are indeed many claims of intelligent structures on Mars shown below:

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