The history books tell us the pyramids of Giza were built to preserve the bodies of Egyptian kings for eternity. A father (Khufu), his son (Khafra) and grandson (Menkaura) in the 26th century BCE. Despite being studied for centuries, the pyramids of Giza still hold secrets, with hidden voids still being discovered both within and below the pyramids. The pyramid’s perfection in build, orientation and location seems impossible for its time.
Some blocks making up the main structure weighed up to 15 tons (similar to a tank or a fully loaded shipping container). However there are some which make up the kings chamber weighing up to 80 tons. There are about 2.3 million blocks, stacked with millimetre accuracy. The finest polished limestone which would have covered the whole pyramid had blocks weighing 2.5 tons.
How did ancient Egyptions Quary, shape, move and lift these blocks with primitive tools?
Looking specifically at the Great Pyramid by itself, it’s believed to have taken about 20 years to build. Or 7300 days. With there being 2.3 million blocks that equates to 315 blocks a day, or 26 blocks an hour working a 12 hour daylight shift. Assuming a basic 2.5 ton block that may be 30 workers per stone that’s 780 workers for every hour.
Then there is the quarrying, using copper and wooden steaks, then transporting the blocks matching the supply of 26 2.5 ton blocks an hour. The granite blocks came from Aswan, 500 miles away! It is worth noting that the copper chisels found could not have cut granite so precisely and no construction records have survived.
The history books tell us the blocks were moved by the sheer manpower of hundreds of men hauled by sledges along ramps of mud? Although no evidence of ramps has been found that could explain the construction of the upper levels.
The builders had not discovered the pulley, winch, let alone primitive cranes. What they did have was ropes of twisted Papyrus and levers. They had a limited understanding of maths, They understood fractions, square roots, areas of a circle or the volume of a cylinder. They did name and map the stars.
There are many mysterious theories about how and why the pyramids of Giza were built. I am listing some of them here for completeness. Indeed some of them are fringe theory, some are wild but are non the less intriguing.
Astronomical Precision
It is aligned nearly perfectly (within less than 0.05 degrees) to North,East,South and West. That’s more precise than many modern buildings that claim to be aligned similarly.
Links with mathematical value of pi
The Great Pyramid has a base length of approximately 230.4 meters (756 feet) and a height of about 146.6 meters (481 feet).
If you divide the perimeter of the base (4 × 230.4 m) by twice the height (2 × 146.6 m), the result is approximately 3.144, which is close to pi (3.1416).
There is no definitive proof that the ancient Egyptians intentionally incorporated pi into the pyramid’s design. The observed ratio may have emerged naturally from their construction methods, or it could be an accidental approximation. However, the precise engineering of the pyramids continues to fuel speculation about their mathematical sophistication. Also in a similar way the golden ratio (Φ ≈ 1.618) appears in the pyramid’s proportions.
The Earth-Pyramid Connection
If you multiply the pyramid’s height by 43,200, you get approximately the polar radius of the Earth.
If you multiply the pyramid’s base perimeter by 43,200, you get approximately the Earth’s equatorial circumference.
The number 43,200 is not random—it corresponds to a key precessional number (Earth’s wobble cycle of 25,920 years, divided by 6).
This might suggest that the pyramid builders had some knowledge of Earth’s dimensions.
Speed of Light and the Pyramid’s Coordinates
The speed of light in vacuum is 299,792,458 meters per second.
The Great Pyramid’s latitude is 29.9792°N.
Is this a numerological coincidence?
The Pyramid’s Location and Land Mass Center
The Great Pyramid is located near the intersection of the longest line of latitude and the longest line of longitude where land is most concentrated.
In other words, it sits near the geographical center of Earth’s land mass.
The Pyramid and the Sidereal Year
The sum of the four base sides of the pyramid (in cubits) is about 365.24, nearly equal to the number of days in a year, also taking into account leap years. This suggests the Egyptians may have had an advanced understanding of the Earth’s movement around the Sun.
The Pyramid Height and the Moon
The Great Pyramid’s height (146.6 meters) is roughly 1/1,000,000,000 of the distance from the Earth to the Moon (~384,400 km).
The Pyramid’s Internal Chambers and Orion’s Belt
The layout of the pyramid’s internal shafts aligns with the positions of Orion’s Belt, which was sacred in Egyptian mythology.
The three pyramids of Giza also seem to match Orion’s Belt when viewed from above. This suggests a deliberate astronomical connection rather than a pure coincidence. The King’s Chamber shafts align with the stars Orion and Alpha Draconis at specific dates. Were they for ventilation, astronomical observation or some other unknown reason.
The Pyramid’s electromagnetic energy properties
Some researchers claim the pyramids shape focuses electromagnetic energy in its chambers. Indeed experiments show unusual resonance effects inside these chambers. Some sugest the Great pyramid was some kind of Ancient power plant capable of wireless energy transfer. Stating that the pyramid’s materials (granit, limestone and gold capstone) acted as a harmonic resonator with the Kings chamber being the power core using piezoelectric effects from quartz in granite. What if the shafts aligned with stars (which they do) to harvest cosmic energy.
The King’s Chamber has strange acoustic properties, some claim if amplifies certain frequencies.
The Great pyramid’s lack of markings
Unlike other later pyramids the great pyramids interior is almost completely devoid of any markings or hieroglyphs. Was its purpose as a functional structure and not as a tomb. Or was it built much earlier before extensive hieroglyphic writing. Did it predate Khufu by thousands of years? There is research that suggests the water erosion on the nearby Sphinx dates it back to 10,000+ BCE. Also worth noting there is the absence of a mummy or funerary objects to support the theory it was a tomb, although these could have been looted in antiquity.
Critical information and texts might still be hidden in undiscovered rooms or indeed underneath the pyramids themselves.
As modern scanning technology improves we may unearth further undiscovered chambers. As I write (March 2025) sccientists have used the latest scanning techniques to view undeneath the pyramids and have discovered unimaginable structures and chambers. Whatch this space.